Mar 30, 2011

Okay, here goes FIRST POST

First of all.....the name Salty because I am insanely addicted to salt.  Not because I am a sweat monster.

So, this is very new to me, so I am going to see how it goes.  I just wanted to say to everyone out there that might read my blog that I hope that you thoroughly enjoy it.  My plan is to inspire people, be a comedian (which may not work), and to just talk about all things Food, Family, and Friends.
So, first of all.....hello?  Anyone there?  Nope, not yet...I thought I asked too soon.  :0) 

So lets start with food.  I am an avid watcher of food network, I have catered, and I drive my husband nuts with my drive to go to culinary school. Pesky debt is robbing me of my freedom. Literally.  You know, the school where they teach you how to use a knife properly and what foods go well together. It is an art in my eyes and I want to be DaVinci.  Well, maybe not...but how about Michelangelo?  Yeah, that is better.  Anyhoo....I LOVE to cook and people seem to enjoy and compliment my cooking as well. Unless they are just lying, and if they are, then I will have to poke them with my salad fork.

Next: Family.  I am a mother to two beautiful children.  They are beautiful. I am not just saying that because I am their mom, but because I have no biased opinion on that whatsoever.  Seriously.  My husband and I have been together for 19 years now and married for 10 of those. Yes, we were slow to get hitched to the magic carpet ride of Holy Matrimony, otherwise known as OMG what do we do now.  On a serious note..I love my husband with all of my heart. We have had some major ups and big time downs, but I trust wholeheartedly that we were meant to find each other at the mature age of 16.  Well, he was mature.  I never have been.  He is my nerd and I am his free spirit (thanks to Dave Ramsey we found that out).  But more on our lives later.

Finally: Family.  All I can say is that we all have family and we all have a few that we don't claim. You will also find out more about them later.

So...lets see where this gets me started and if anyone is interested. OWN your happiness, don't let others rob you of that.


  1. Veerrrryyy Interesting!!!!!

    I look forward to hearing more about your salt addiction and your quest to go to culinary (catering, cooking, etc.) school.

    I love your grandkids.

  2. I meant to say, "I love your children."
