Mar 31, 2011


When is it that we decide when we should grow up and be adults? Usually it happens when we have kids, but then again, some of us regress. The whole "I don't wanna grow up" syndrome comes into play with some people. We are expected as parents to show responsibility, control, and lead by example. Our kids watch our every move and hear everything that comes out of our mouths. I believe that we shouldn't lose that "inner child" that we all have. Never forget that a child needs to be a child before you can expect them to act like an adult. Play with them...they can clean their room later.

Everyone goes through a period in time when they think..."What if...." and "If I had only...." But what matters is that we learn not only from what we HAVE done, but we have NOT done as well. It's the things in life that we miss out on that we learn to accept and go on. No one is perfect and no one should expect every parent to be this Ozzy and Harriet type of people. Times have changed, yet not really. Smoke and mirrors were used during that time era on tv.

There are several things in life that I want to experience, but know for a fact that I most likely will not be able to. I won't give up hope that I can do some of them though. I refuse to go through life being negative. Sure, we all have our moments of self-doubt, self-pity, hopelessness, etc. I, however, will not let it make me a negative individual. I will accept people for who they are, let them be, and enjoy their company. Stereotypes are for the ignorant. If you are not willing to be educated, keep an open mind, or just simply ACCEPT people, then you have no right to tell them what you think they did wrong or are doing wrong. If you are constantly arguing with people and countering their own opinions, then you are truly not accepting them. Your opinion may be important to you, but that is all it opinion. It doesn't make you in the right.

Why is it so hard for others to just ACCEPT?  Why, as friends, is it so hard for people to just hang out and enjoy each other's company and not judge? Too many people today have the syndrome of me, me ,me. Satisfy me and what I want. Stipulations and requirements that are presented in order for acceptance or not acceptance at all. It is control. People should just let others live their own lives. As a parent...I know how hard all of that can be. But you MUST trust your kids and trust that you raised them the best way you know how.

Anyway....too many thoughts crammed into one note I guess, but oh well. If you can follow me, then that is amazing. HA HA!

Compliment someone today, smile at someone, open a door, wave at a stranger and just be nice.... DAMMIT!!! LOL

Have a great day to all of my friends

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