Mar 31, 2011

Social or Private

So we come to the question of privacy or social? Some people are VERY private and keep EVERYTHING to themselves. Then you have the very open people that will tell you their whole life and every issue in it without a hesitation. I personally see myself kinda in the middle, yet sometimes leaning to the mysterious side. I like to be social, I like to talk to people, yet I don't think that EVERYTHING should be discussed. I will talk about good things all day and little things. Like how I am doing or what I am doing. Anything personal going on in my life between my family and me, is a different story. It depends on what is going on if I say anything or not. I can be open or private. I bounce between the two.

Some people have a very hard time understanding me. I can be very open and welcoming and then another day be very closed off and anti-social. I can't explain it and I don't think I should have to. I am who I am. You either like me and know how I am, or you don't and are very confused. I tend to edit my life to other people. I leave things out that other people would openly discuss. I tell people what they want to hear, or in more reality..what I want them to hear.

I am selfish with my time and my family. I am a control freak and I have just now come to realize that part of me. It disturbs me to think of myself that way, but I have noticed it more and more since I have gotten older. I don't like it, but how do you change who you are? don't. I just hope that my personality doesn't push everyone I care about away. That is my biggest fear.

Anyway, it is what it is.

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